Happy 30th Birthday, Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots!
Born in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in 1991, Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots Education Programme for Young People can now be found in sixty-five countries across the world. It's a truly incredible organisation working with and helping children protect and preserve our beautiful planet for future generations to come. In the words of the most inspirational Dr Jane, ‘Together we can, together we will.’
This photo is a flashback to when we had the honour of meeting Dr Jane at the Barbican Centre in London, March 2019. It was in the days when we could go to social gathering freely! The children and I accepted an award for efforts in Conservation on behalf of Mad Hatter’s Nursery, stemming from my workshops - Teaching Children Conservation Through Art - along with the other ‘environmentally conscious’ activities children continue to learn at Mad Hatter's.
At each of the educational establishments I have worked with since then, I have been delighted to help them win awards for efforts in Conservation as well, and I am sincerely happy to help nurture a love for our planet earth for future generations.
Please visit Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots for more info - https://www.rootsnshoots.org.uk/blog/2021/02/19/21019/ .